The delivery time for the car varies depending on the selected country and city, usually ranging between 35-55 days.

All processes are professionally monitored. If any issue arises, we resolve it immediately.


The insurance terms vary depending on the type of car and are applied based on the customer’s request. Once the insurance contract is signed, we take full responsibility for any damage that may occur during transit.

Warranty terms vary depending on the type of car and are applied based on the customer’s request. All information regarding the car’s condition and technical inspections is documented.

  • Payment can be made either in full or in installments at the time of the order.
  • For installment payments, 30% of the total amount is paid initially, and the remaining 70% is completed within the next 2 weeks.
  • After the official contract is signed, the invoice is provided to the customer the following day.
  • Based on the invoice, the customer can make the payment by contacting the bank within 24-48 hours, ensuring a smooth, secure, and transparent process.